Hi all,
Here is a news bulletin for you, from the BBC:
'Computer tan' website scores hit
Ok so here's the story, 1 million people have been online to a website and downloaded software that they believed would give them a 5 minute tan.
Now I'm not sure what is worse here to be honest. The fact the website is, in effect, mis-advertising their product. Or that 1 million people believed that their PC monitor could give them a tan. I wouldn't mind but these are probably the same million people that bitched about fucking mobile phone towers irradiating their faces.
How stupid are these people? I always used to go by the phrase;
"Half the people you meet are below average intelligence"
But now I'm going to go with;
"Half the people are average meat, and have no intelligence."
Not worth talking to, not even worth eating, they'd probably be really stringy and horrible.
Did they really think that their monitors would get past ECC, BSI and other health and safety Euro-rulings if with a simple piece of software they could emit UV intense enough it'd burn you?
Were these people so ridiculously retarded as to believe that all hardware supported this functionality and no-one had noticed before?
Unfortunately though, I bet these wankers are clever enough to create a law-suit asking why this isn't possible when the website clearly said it could be done.
Stupid bastards. Mind you, maybe they have an excuse. After all, judging by the area this story is based in, inbreeding does have an effect in some ways.
LINK: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/nottinghamshire/7969758.stm
Thanks for reading.
What I would do with 1 million IPs of the dumbest people in Britain...
errrm, its been done dude...one word, CONFICKER
You know its 4 days to launch right?
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