Hi all,
There is a stirring in the force, a change in the world, something is affecting people through the interweb. It is affecting everyone.People who have never been on the internet are now going online to look at pictures.
And what are these pictures of? Where have they come from? Who took them? Do you really want to know? Do you want to know that badly? Do you really want to know the truth?
I'll tell you...it's Google.
Google have been to your house. They have been to your mums house. They have even been to your Nan's house. They have pictures of your dad in a hat. They know where you live!
But why do you care?
Seriously, I don't have figures to support this, but apparently 117% of people in the "Googled" cities, in the UK, have been online in the last fortnight checking out the pictures of their house. Quick tip for you, open your front door, go outside, turn around. See that? See that building? That's your fucking house. It's been there all along.
What so special about it being "online"?
Tell you what, go back outside with a camera, turn around, see that building? Take a picture. Run back indoors and upload it.
There you go. Your house, on the tubes. Now stop fucking boasting that your house is on the internet and mine isn't. Mine would be too if I could be arsed, and no, I'm not jealous honest.
Thanks for reading,
Last year exaggeration increased a million percent.
Can I point out my own flat was shown to me, by 2 seperate people. I never went to look for myself, mecause it's the most boring concept for exactly the reasons you point out.
However, it disturbs me a little that other people are already finding out where I live. Who wants to help me start up a security business - one aimed at re-privatising the common man?
it's not that they are finding out where you live, they already know where you live.
What is wierd is that they are telling you where you live.
Surely you know already?
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