Hi All,
Have you seen the obesity figures recently? You'll have to move your arse out of the chair to see them apparently because over 40% of people are nearly fat to the point of death. I don't mean that your fingers are so fat you can't actually dial 999, I mean that you are that fat that your heart will implode with the power of a 4 megaton cheese burger.
But it's not your fault.
I know who's fault it is. The fucking media. Again.
Because we are British we love our TV shows, and we aspire to do the things shown to us on the box. Primarily because we believe everyone else is doing the same, and there is that pressure to keep up with the Jones'.
In the 90's the media were behind the fad of Do It Yourself. Who could forget shows like....errrm, DIY SOS, Changing rooms, 60 minute makeover, and Pimp my Lounge (OK I made that last one up). All of a sudden shares in B&Q and Homebase rocketed. Everyone was doing DIY. Look at how successful handymen were, repairing all the walls, doors, floors, kitchens that we had destroyed. All because we wanted to keep up with each other.
So, guess what the TV schedules are full of nowadays?
TV Chefs and foody people all showing us how to cook, what to eat, what not to eat, what we should try, what we need to eat before we die. Thing is there are so many food shows we, as a nation, are doing the equivalent of eating our fucking house.
Listen, media. Start a fad of exercise regimes and healthy living or something. In fact, what we British need right now, is a healthy balanced media.
Thanks for reading,
Bollocks! Obesity definitately tips it's cap to snacks and bad food products, ready meals and fast food.
People following a TV show to prepare a tune sandwich are not hurtling down the road to a healthy ruin for that act alone.
Our western culture of easy access to food, and enough squila to afford it are to blame. We gotta remember we're hunter gatherers, our bodies are designed to spend 6 hours roaming the plains for antelope each day - TV itself is counter productive to are nature.
Turn the fucking thing off. Start running. After 2 years we'll all be models (which huge thighs and skinny arms) and this whole crazy phase will be behind us.
But don't join my gym, there's too many people there who've figured this out already.
"Obesity" is a term which is commonly based on the BMI scale.
That scale does not take into account your build, your parents build or the amount of exercise you do.
There are people who are perfectly healthy, but show up as clinically and even morbidly obese based on this scale.
So, until the figures are fair and actually reflect people who are fat to the point of having limited time, then maybe we should just shut up about "obese Britain."
Agreed, so ok...ideas for scales.
Myself I will go for the:
"Oh my god, it's coming towards us!"
Where your size is directly proportional to the chances of someone saying the above phrase.
Yao, 10,000 years ago we were built for roaming the plains, but lately we have evolved to roam Sainsbury's. Eventually we will have one hand like a lego man to push trolleys and a really long thin finger to point at things.
Trev, Children and Midgets will skew the scale - everything will prompt that line. And clowns too.
Gotta disagree about your theory of evolution towards Sainsburys, we may have adapted to supermarkets but we haven't evolved to them yet. Thankfully the apocalypse will wheedle out those who can't survive without a shop.
As a final point, I'm a tax payer, all 3 of us have been in the last couple months, and the 2 of you have strong reasons for wanting a good NHS service (various stages of kids and all) - it behooves us to be complacent about obesity when it's a major quality drain on the service we recieve. I begrudge the idea of paying more tax to improve a service when it's possible for people to improve their own quality of life and make a hospital a more pleasant and effective experience for you and your kids.
Won't somebody think of the children!
I get that there are a lot of people out there who are fat and refuse to do anything about it except moan and bitch then take up hospital beds, but there are also people out there who are trying to do something about their size and would look stupid at what is supposedly "healthy" on the BMI scale.
Personally, I think microwaves contribute to the ease of preparing shitty, fat filled foods for most lazy people and that if some of the obese nation just chucked theirs out and learned to use a hob and oven then they might surprise themselves.
Microwaves do of course have their place, but have become an easier way for people to eat lazy. Fast food in their own homes.
(Co-incidentally, my word verication for this post is "Sphat".)
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