Tuesday, 18 August 2009

The Banana Effect

Hi all,

How much do you value a banana?

Actually stop and think about it.

Ok, so lets hear your answer....
Nope you're wrong.

Try £20,000.

Yes that's right £20,000. The Crown Persecution..sorry Prosecution Service took a man to court for stealing a single solitary Banana, and then failed to convict him.
The total cost of the trial to the tax payer was £20,000. The actual Banana? The actual physical Banana, still in mint condition, with original packaging, and manufacturers label is.....


I'll work this out for you. There were 26 million taxpayers last year (real numbers on this blog, I got them from Yahoo! answers and everything). Not including self employed dudes. So lets share the 20,000 out between us. So now we have the cost to each one of us.

I'm going to shrink the number down a bit. 7.69230 E-4.
For those of you who don't do maths: that is 0.000769230 quid.
Ok now, I pay tax over a year. And all this Crown Court, CPS, bullshit is worked out over a tax year too. So lets divide that by 365.

so now we are at 0.00000210748 quid. As you can see this number is small. Incredibly small. In fact it is about 2 ten thousandths of a penny.

So now lets work out how many days it would take me, on my own, to pay for a banana. Just using my tax money that has been allocated by the government to take this guy to court...

0.25/0.00000210748 is....you know what? If he wanted a fucking banana that badly I'd have fucking bought him one.

Thanks for reading,

(it's about 351 years by the way, so it would take 351 of us 1 year, and 124956 of us one day. Talk about the butterfly effect huh?)

Source: http://tinyurl.com/ok6mk7

Yes I know it's bloody Sky News as well, gits


Yao said...

/Yao slowly slides Trev's calculator out of harms way.

Dude, stop abusing the maths for humour, it's s slippery slope that ends in you trying to extract a laugh from the poincare conjecture. That's too far gone for us to help.

Trev said...

Poincare conjecture:
Describing the topology of a sphere

Trev's Conjecture:


Yao said...

We are no longer friends.