Monday, 17 November 2008

Stupid advert!

Hi all,

Has anyone seen that advert about that bloke who had a crash in a car? You know the one:
"Richard had a crash."
"It wasn't hitting the windscreen that killed Richard"
"It wasn't his chest hitting the steering wheel that killed Richard."

I thought,
"Hmm was it the length of this advert and the labouring of the point?"

It went on,
"It wasn't the broken ribs that killed Richard"
"It wasn't his ribs puncturing his lungs that killed Richard"

At this point I was screaming at the telly
"What the hell was it then? For Christs sake give us a bloody clue will you?"

But no, it went on....
"It wasn't his ruptured artery that killed Richard"

I was thinking,
"Shit is this guy a machine or superman or what?"

it went on....
"It wasn't his heart failing that killed Richard"

I was shouting again,
"Was he smoking a cigarette?!?!?!"

Then it said
"He was not wearing a seatbelt, and that's what killed Richard"

Eeerrrrr, no, don't get me wrong, but for him to have that list of injuries and not die, and then get killed by a loose seatbelt, they sound pretty dangerous to me, I'm not going to wear one. They're lethal. I'm going to take mine out.

Thanks for reading,


Anonymous said...

Plus you look bloody stupid with a seatbelt while riding a bike.


Trev said...

Yao was funnier before i ninja edited my post muhahahahaha!